Fear The Walking Dead kicks off right before the chaotic and world-changing events of The Walking Dead takes place. The prequel series takes place in Los Angeles, California, and follows the adventures of a small family as they attempt to stay alive and stick together while a horde of zombies, known as “Walkers,” ravages the entire country. The family consists of Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) and her fiance Travis Manawa (Cliff Curtis), as well as Madison’s children Alicia Clark (Alycia Debnam-Carey) and Nick Clark (Frank Dillane).
As Madison looks to find safety in an increasingly bleak and cruel world, she struggles to keep her family out of harm’s way. She quickly learns that the remaining human survivors are just as capable of death and destruction as the Walkers that they are fleeing from. Hopping from settlement to settlement, Madison and her small family gradually begin to adapt to their new surroundings, pushing their final strands of humanity to the brink.
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